Get rid of Clutter

Nothing clutters an older mind like a cluttered user interface, and while AI may reduce the cognitive load associated with navigating complex interfaces it won’t come soon enough for me. Like neurodiverse users, elderly people can face misunderstandings about their cognitive abilities. When ANY user is presented with more information or tasks than they can …

Mindful Monday: Time to pick up a rake

The steady sound of raking this weekend allowed me to think about why I’m evangelizing the USM method, and while it’s not really about money I am open to work. As a boomer I didn’t have much opportunity to practice mindfulness at work and I wish I did. Today companies are much more aware of …

(another) Mindful Monday: The enterprise service management mountain

An enterprise service management system drives continual improvement, and for many this mountaintop seems far away. But a standard management system for the enterprise can be established one rock at a time. The Unified Service Management Method’s universal approach to defining ALL services — along with 5 processes and 8 workflows that apply to ALL …

Mindful Monday: Slow & Steady Wins the Race

I made the mistake of looking at my phone before I climbed up a mountain this morning, and so my mind is wandering from various LinkedIn and other social media posts. One was a back and forth on where to start improvement. One argued with WHAT (i.e., process) as the USM suggests, and another with …

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Mindful Monday and the Process River

As I sat by a river on a Monday morning, trying to reflect and be ‘mindful’, it didn’t take long for my mind to wander and start thinking about process. For years now I’ve always thought of processes as streams of related activity, which is why the process waters seem so muddy to so many. …

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